State Representative Kristy Pagan “Why I Support Ranjeev Puri”

Dear friend,

Serving as your state representative for these past six years has been an honor of a lifetime. I knew when we started our campaign back then, there would be big things in store for us. Thank you for being there every step of the way. Now, due to Michigan's term-limits, I can no longer seek re-election. The next person to represent us in the Michigan House could be decided in less than three weeks.

After careful consideration, I am supporting Ranjeev Puri to replace me and I ask you to join me. As a dad, Ranjeev knows the decisions our elected officials make today will have a direct impact not only on our lives but the lives of our children. As someone with an advanced degree in business administration, Ranjeev understands the dynamics of our economy and how small businesses play an important role. And as a manager at Chrysler, Ranjeev sees everyday how the auto industry is the backbone of Michigan's economy.

Ranjeev is the right person for the job. He has the right experience to lead our community and will hit the ground running. In the era of term limits, it's even more important to have a representative who can be ready on day.

Will you join me in Believing in Ranjeev today?


State Representative Kristy Pagan

Ranjeev Puri