Today, Canton resident Ranjeev Puri, 34, announced his 2020 bid for the open seat for state representative in Michigan’s 21st district with an endorsement from the current state representative, Kristy Pagan. Puri is the first candidate to enter the race and will make a formal announcement during his kickoff event on Friday, July 12th at Tony Sacco’s in Canton.

“I am running because I share a deep commitment to our community and a strong desire to help move our society in a more inclusive and equitable direction. For decades, Michigan has lacked proper investment in our public schools, our economy has staggered, our roads are crumbling beneath us, healthcare costs are skyrocketing, and our drinking water is not safe. Lansing is simply not working for Michigan families and our local communities. As new communities find a home in the 21st district, I hope to be a voice of leadership - one that is representative of all people of Canton, Belleville and Van Buren Township,” said Ranjeev Puri.

Puri also announced he has the support of the current state representative, Kristy Pagan. “For the past three elections, voters have trusted me with their vote and their support. I am pleased to endorse Ranjeev Puri because he will continue the work we started together just 6 years ago. Ranjeev has what it takes to lead our community and be a strong voice on the issues we care most about: supporting our public schools, fixing our roads, keeping young talent in Michigan, and protecting our air and water. I look forward to voting for Ranjeev Puri as the next state representative,” Pagan said.

Puri currently works in the automotive industry with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, working collaboratively with leaders to ensure Michigan remains the center of future innovation and technology. Puri’s past experience spans from consulting to technology, and most notably working on the finance team of President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. A product of the midwest and public schools, Puri holds an undergraduate degree in Economics and Finance and went on to receive a Masters in Business Administration in Management and Strategy from The University of Chicago. Puri and his wife Nidhi, who runs a small business, live in Canton with their two sons and dog.

If elected, Ranjeev will be the first Sikh-American to serve in the Michigan Legislature, the first person of color to represent the 21st district, and the youngest Indian-American elected to the Michigan Legislature.

Ranjeev Puri