
As we head into the final month of 2019, I can’t help but reflect on all of the wonderful things that have happened this year. My wife and I were blessed to welcome our second child into our family, we decided to begin this campaign, and we have gotten to know hundreds of our neighbors through this journey.  It has truly been an incredible year and we are looking forward to what comes next.


Over the last couple of months, we celebrated holidays and spent time with our two sons. Nidhi and I want our community to be a place where our kids are challenged to be their best and supported to learn and grow. That’s a big part of why we decided to get involved in this upcoming election. All kids in Michigan deserve to grow up in a town where opportunity flourishes and diversity thrives.

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We also had the chance to meet community leaders in education, business, health care, and more. I heard diverse perspectives and pushed my own thinking. As I listened to and learned from people across our district, the conversations we had strengthened my resolve. This is the time to stand up for our home and our community.


I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that we will encounter because I know that this team is ready to stand up and do the work necessary for our future. Michigan is home to perseverance, compassion, and empathy. As we close out this year, these will be the pillars of our campaign. I am excited to see how far we can go, when we all go together.

Your friend,


Ranjeev Puri