Helping frontline workers!

Hi Friends,

I hope this email finds you safe and well. This is truly a trying time for our community, state, and nation and I want to say ‘Thank You’ for following the social distancing guidelines to help protect one another. But, if you’re like me, you want to do more. There are countless folks in our own community who are working in hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations, and other essential businesses, and my family is grateful to everyone doing the crucial work across our nation to end this pandemic and protect our neighbors.

Here in Michigan, there is an extreme medical mask shortage for our doctors, nurses, first responders and frontline workers. When I decided to run for office, it was a promise to serve the community I am so proud of. This same community needs our help right now. If we reach our goal of raising $5,000 for personal protective equipment, we will be able to provide over 1,200 medical grade masks. This is not a campaign fundraiser; this is an opportunity for us to come together to support the folks who are fighting to keep our community safe. Every dollar raised will go to purchasing PPE for our frontline workers across Michigan.

As always, I’m here to talk if you ever want to reach out.  We’re in this together.

All my best wishes,

Ranjeev Puri