Exciting News!


I have some exciting news to share - our campaign is officially on the ballot to become your next state representative!  It is because of supporters like you I am confident we will have a lot to celebrate after polls close in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, August 4th. 

Our campaign is focused on what matters most - investing in our community and standing up for the values we share like equality and inclusion. We are powered by grassroots supporters like you and together, we will keep this seat under Democratic leadership in 2020 and beyond.

But I need your help. Because of the public health crisis we are all experiencing, our campaign has changed from in-person door knocking and events, to connecting with voters over the phone, through the mail and online. Unfortunately, this increases our campaign budget substantially. There are so many ways to get involved with our campaign --- you can pledge to vote in the Democratic primary election, make phone calls to other voters, stuff envelopes, or make a financial contribution.

If you are a voter in Canton, Belleville or Van Buren Township, I humbly ask for your vote on August 4th or before by mail.

As a father, I think about my children’s future every day. When my youngest son Shaan joined me in adding my name to the ballot at the Wayne County Clerk’s office it was a special moment for me. It gave me a chance to reflect on why I am running to become your next state representative. It’s because of children like my son I want to make sure they have the best chance to succeed in life and contribute to society.  It is with your support, I hope to serve our community and fight for a future when my kids and yours will thrive. Will you join my campaign today?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  

With gratitude,
Ranjeev Puri

Ranjeev Puri