12,222. It's a number I'll never forget. 


Dear Friends,

12,222. It's a number I'll never forget. That's how many of us came together to vote for this campaign in the primary election. As I reflect on our historic victory, I feel immensely grateful for this community. Knowing that my kids are growing up in a community where their dad, a son of immigrants, can win a primary election for State Representative is a big deal to me. When we started our campaign over a year ago, we had no idea how many friends we would make, how much we would learn about our great state, and how deeply thankful we would be to call this place home.

Election Results reported in the Detroit Free Press

This was the first obstacle in the race and we did it! But we still have another election ahead of us. On November 3rd, I need your support to ensure that this seat remains blue. Democrats across our district are coming together to make sure that the state house can be effective and productive for the next two years. I need your help on November 3rd.

Your Democratic Nominee, 


Ranjeev Puri