We made history!


WE DID IT! We won. And, we made history!

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From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I am truly humbled. Thank you to each and every one of you who believed in me, in our campaign. To my family and friends - thank you for your unconditional love and support. To every volunteer, contributor, and voter - we did this together. We are building a stronger Michigan. 

We made history. The people have chosen to elect the first minority to ever represent House District 21; the first Sikh-American in Michigan’s legislative history, and the youngest South Asian in Michigan’s legislative history. Today, let’s celebrate the glass ceilings we have broken up and down the ballot. Tomorrow, we get back to work on building stronger communities and a better Michigan. 

This win is not just mine, it's ours. As our volunteer and supporter, every conversation you had with friends and family, every text you sent, or donation you made brought us closer to our goal of making history, and paving the way for elections to come.

Thank you for Believing In Ranjeev! I am so proud to be your Representative-elect for Michigan House District 21 serving Canton, Belleville, and Van Buren Township.

Your State Representative-elect,


Ranjeev Puri