Candidate Ranjeev Puri Reports Highest Amount of Funds in District’s History

Democratic candidate reports nearly $104,000 raised in this reporting cycle, the highest amount raised in the 21st state house district at this point of the campaign cycle.



Canton, MI — Ranjeev Puri released fundraising numbers highlighting his competitive bid for a seat in the Michigan House of Representatives. In the latest reporting cycle, Puri successfully raised $103,865 by over 400 individual contributions. He currently boasts a total of over $101,000 cash on hand and has accepted no funds from corporate PACs.

At this point in the campaign cycle, Puri has raised the highest amount in dollars in the 21st state house district’s history, a feat unrivaled by any single candidate ever before.

“Once again, we have proven we have the momentum, excitement, and fundraising ability to secure this integral seat in the Michigan House of Representatives,” said Puri. “I know that without the help of my incredible supporters, this grassroots effort would not be possible. I am looking forward to the future, as I continue working hard to be the voice for everyone in the 21st district. Together, I know that we will bring a fresh, new perspective to Lansing and help move our community forward.”

In addition to Puri’s overwhelming support within a district that is growing more diverse each year, Puri has earned several early endorsements including term limited incumbent State Rep. Kristy Pagan (D), State Senator Dayna Polehanki (D), and key Labor organizations.

Puri currently works as a business manager in the automotive industry with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, where he collaborates with leaders to ensure Michigan remains the center of automotive innovation and technology. Puri’s past professional experiences span from consulting to technology. Most notably, he worked on the finance team for President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.

Puri received his M.B.A. in Management and Strategy from The University of Chicago, and he resides in Canton with his wife, two sons and their dog. To learn more about Puri’s campaign, visit

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Ranjeev Puri