Michigan’s Workers and Our Future
“Building an economy in Michigan that works for everyone is directly linked to workers’ rights protections. Supporting organized labor is vital in the fight to make Michigan’s economy work for all of us.”
Ranjeev standing with striking UAW workers in September 2019
Standing Up for Michigan Workers
A job is much more than a paycheck. A job is our livelihood, our financial security, and our contribution back to our community. When the quality of life is threatened for so many of Michigan’s workers today, something must be done. The freedom to negotiate a stronger wage and collectively bargain, retire with dignity, and be able to provide for our families are fundamental rights. Unions are the gatekeeper of these rights, and protecting them protects all of us.
Why Right-to-Work doesn’t work
Priority #1 is repealing the so-called “Right to Work” law that was undemocratically enacted by the Snyder Administration in 2012. This law creates a system of freeloaders who enjoy the benefits of their union, without paying union dues. In fact, we must enact Fair Share legislation so that every worker is protected by their union and can benefit from collective bargaining and contract negotiations. Anything less than full-throated support of unions is damaging to the cause of an equitable economy.
Restore Prevailing Wage Laws
I opposed the effort to abolish minimum wage guarantees for construction and skilled trade workers who perform taxpayer-funded projects. In 2018, the Republican majority circumvented the will of the people and repealed Michigan’s 50-year old prevailing wage law. As a result, Michigan will now see a surge in out-of-state contractors bidding on public building projects and risk both quality and safety, and force Michigan workers to leave for higher paying jobs. If we cannot protect prevailing wages, we are giving up on our local economy. Those that oppose prevailing wage laws are knowingly setting back local businesses, but they are also punishing hard-working and responsible contractors.
Repeal the Senior Pension Tax
The promise of a secure retirement should be available for every Michigander. Balancing the budget on the backs of seniors, while giving away $1B in business tax cuts is not aligned with our values. We need to continue fighting for a fair retirement, by exempting public pensions and restoring deductions on private retirement income
Support Skilled Trades Education
A one-size-fits-all education system from high school to college to workforce weakens Michigan’s economy. Michigan is facing a crisis of the lack of skilled trades workers. With the passage of so-called “Right to Work” and the repeal of prevailing wage laws, we are seeing the erosion our skilled trade training and apprenticeship programs. Our workers are the backbone of our economy, and Michigan’s economy will struggle to stay competitive without skilled labor.
Adopt Paid Leave Policies
Families are the bedrock of this country and its economy in every way, so we should not punish hard-working men and women for trying to start their own. I support an expansion of paid maternity and paternity leave because I do not believe one’s livelihood should be the price tag of starting a family. To further incentivize family establishment, I also support the expansion of the child tax credit.
Sick leave and vacation leave are integral to a healthy and motivated workforce, but what we have right now is simply not enough. These benefits provide workers the rest they need to perform the highest quality of work consistently over a longer period of time.
Stop Outsourcing: Keep Jobs in Michigan
Automation is on the rise, and jobs are being shipped out of our state. Unless we can do something to prepare our economy, factory workers and their families stand to lose more than anyone else. If we want to keep jobs in Michigan, our focus cannot be on preventing these changes from happening—they are inevitable. To the contrary, we must position ourselves at the forefront of innovation for these technologies. End privatization.
Support union release time
Last year’s lame duck session bill attempted to take away the right for public school employees to conduct union business during their work day. Bills like this are anti-union, and serve one purpose, to further weaken unions and worker rights. This forces local leaders to spend extra time and money on business, and takes away the ability to represent members and enforce contracts.
Support Payroll Dedication of Union Dues
I support payroll deduction of school employee union dues, and will work to overturn Public Act 53 of 2012 which barred public school employers from collecting union dues from their employees. This was a law celebrated by the Synder administration in another effort to weaken union membership.
Automation, The Automotive Industry, and the Future of Michigan
More about Ranjeev’s platform on automation, the automotive industry, and the future of Michigan is coming soon. Please check back here again in the next few weeks, and feel free to reach out to the campaign using the Contact button if you have any questions in the meantime.